
Zoltán Balogh avatar image
Zoltán Balogh asked

Inverter RS upload data to VRM


Any idea how to re-enable data upload to VRM on an Inverter RS? I accidentally checked not to upload data to VRM during installing. And don't ask again.

I have already reset the inverter to factory settings, but it didn't help.

The image shows the data through the VRM.


Thanks for your help!

VRMinverter rs
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Zoltán Balogh

You need have a GX to connect to the vrm.

Where is the setting not to upload to the VRM?

The 19W is self consumption. Not exactly an AC load.

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Zoltán Balogh avatar image
Zoltán Balogh answered ·


OK, I have 3 Inverter RS, the first is OK. It sends the data. The second and the 3. does not. When I intsalled these two RS's, I accidentally checked the settings: Do not upload data to VRM, also checked the Dont ask again box in the Victron App. This is the problem.


The Inverters are working fine in 3 phase:


Can I reenable data sending to VRM?

Thanks for your answer.

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1719591461625.png (368.9 KiB)
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

What i am wondering is where the setting is. I have installed these in three phase and there is no setting like that.

What you are seeing is an artefact of can connected devices.

What do need to do is create a custom graph in vrm to see the data from the other two phases.

I dont have power from grid right now but here is my example.


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Zoltán Balogh avatar image
Zoltán Balogh answered ·


Ohh, If I good understand, when I switch these CAN Inverters to 3phase, only 1 can send data these ways. I have to use the System data, not the data of the individual Inverters

I made the graph you sugessted, it's OK. I see the datas.

Thank you!

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I naturally assumed you had programmed them as three phase given the name was inverter L3. But i see now that could have two meanings.
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Related Resources

Inverter RS Product page.

Inverter RS Online Manual.

Inverter RS Datasheet.

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

VRM login page

VRM documentation

VRM API documentation

How to change the Owner of a VRM installation