
gregdstephan avatar image
gregdstephan asked

VE.Bus Mandatory Firmware Update - Can't Turn off Inverter

img-4657.pngimg-4658.pngHi, I have a Victron system in my RV, and I would like to turn off the inverter when it's not in use. As I understand it, I can do this through the VE.Bus component in VictronConnect. When I go to this component, it tells me that I have a mandatory firmware update, but it will wipe my settings. I can't backup my settings because I can't seem to get into the component. How do I proceed? Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

firmware update
img-4657.png (288.1 KiB)
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Not to worry - that's just the FW for the VE.Bus Smart Dongle, not the FW of your MultiPlus itself. FW updates for the MultiPlus via bluetooth are not possible, partially for this very reason. It is safe to continue, as there are no meaningful settings available to or stored on the VE.Bus Smart Dongle in any case, and your MultiPlus settings will not be affected!

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Thank you, I went ahead with the update and it's still working fine. I was able to set it to charge only now. Thanks again!
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