
jd87 avatar image
jd87 asked

Multiplus v552

Can someone post the release notes for v552?

I feel like I shouldn’t have to make a separate account on Victron pro just to be able see what’s new with the firmware update.

firmware update
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The thing is if you want to be doing something a professional would normally do, you need to get the professional feed for information.

Anyway. There has been a product application modification change and high chances it does not apply to your set up.


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Victron Professional is more than just the changelogs.
You also get news about new products/features, there are tutorials and webinars.

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jd87 avatar image
jd87 answered ·

Updating firmware is a professional feature? Seams like it would be easier to put a details tab under device list in vrm where we already see the updates and is would show the details.

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delf67 avatar image delf67 commented ·
Yes, the majority of Victron set-ups are installed and maintained by trained professionals. Most users do not change settings or update their own firmware. It is NOT a mobile phone, it can kill you if you do not know what you are doing.
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"Never change a running system"

Unless you have problems there is no need to keep everything up-to-date.

Rarely there can be a problem during the update via VRM and then you should know what to do to get the system running again. That's why it is not recommended to update a perfectly running system.

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