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kurs270 asked

Simulate aux input


On my boat, I am running a quattro and a raspberry pi with venus os.

In order go get rid of the fan noise, I activated the "silence fan" assistant. Of course now the quattro reduces charge current as soon as it gets too warm. While this normally is not a problem, there are situations where I would accept a noisy fan in order to get the full charging power.

The assistant offers to do this via a switch connected to one of the aux inputs.

However it seems a bit clumsy to me to do extra wiring, opto coupler, relay or the like for that purpose. I am a programmer and would prefer doing it in software. Is there any possibility to send the necessary command via the cerbo / VE.bus?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargercerbo gx
2 |3000

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