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sircasper asked

Adding Cerbo GX to existing DMC 200A GX with Multiplus Compact 12/1600

Hello, I'm currently having a simple setup of a Multiplus II Compact with a DMC connected thru ve.bus RJ45 connection. I want to add my Cerbo GX to that configuration. Question: since the DMC has only 1 ve.bus connection, I wanted to know if I can disconnect the ve.bus cable from my DMC and connect it to the 1st ve.bus connection on the Cerbo GX and adding a second RJ45 cable from the 2nd ve.bus connection on the Cerbo GX to the DMC ve.bus connection?

cerbo gxmultipluss iiDMC
2 |3000

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Related Resources

Cerbo GX product page

GX family product range

Cerbo GX & GX Touch datasheet

Cerbo GX Manual

Venus root access document

DMC Product page.

DMC Online manual

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