
edstobi avatar image
edstobi asked

GUI-V2 no local network after reboot

after I installed the GUI-v2 yesterday, my cerbo said that it is rebooting now.

After that I could no longer reach the console via the network. The fixed IP address was still active in the settings. Switching to DHCP did not change anything.

Local on the Cerbo display and the VRM portal everything was working properly.

Since the portal is working, the network connection must also be working. Changing the browser and deleting the cash did not change anything either.

So I switched back to the non-beta version

Have I forgotten or done something wrong? Now it is just a klick to change between between Standard and beta version.

cerbo gxTCP IP Networkingbeta
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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
@EDSTOBI moved to modifications section.
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Sometimes a second reboot is required. I can get remote console OK with the beta. Do not forget the instruction below.

  • Beta testing is best done using a browser, http://<ipaddress>/gui-beta. And you need to enable the MQTT on LAN (Plaintext) setting for that to work, but having it on screen on an Ekrano GX as well as GX Touch is possible as well.
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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·

@EDSTOBI I forgot to say that I can get remote console if using gui1, if you have chosen gui2 as your display, on a Cerbo or Ekrano remote console does not work yet for gui2, this has not been added to the beta test yet, you must access it on VRM or as above locally at http://<ipaddress>/gui-beta

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Hi @pwfarnell

I am not sure what you mean by "remote console does not work yet for gui2"?

Remote GuiV2 is now working via VRM if you're running the Venus beta (and you say that).

What is the other remote console? You mean via VictronConnect?

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Guy, probably not written well. If you have beta running and choose gui2 as your screen display on the Cerbo or Ekrano then if you try to connect to remote console it does not connect because remote console function is expecting standard gui. It is an explanation for remote console not working under gui2. Correct me if I am wrong but that is the case for my system.
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