
bigal avatar image
bigal asked

Victron MultiPlus with Bluetooth

Good Morning,

Is there a Victron Inverter (particularly in the MultiPlus) that has Bluetooth built?

If this is a future product is there a anticipated release date as I am ready to buy.



Multiplus-IIvictron products
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bigal avatar image bigal commented ยท

PS: I am interested in a 12v 2-3000Kva unit. Already on the same Bluetooth network is a BMV712 and SmartSolar 100/20.

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4 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ยท

@bigal, the MultiPlus line does not have BT built in; as @Rob Duthie mentions, there is a VE.Bus Smart Dongle that you can purchase to connect to the MultiPlus, BUT the big caveat there is that it has very little functionality in terms of control and/or programming. You can connect the dongle and then see the MultiPlus in VictronConnect on your phone over BT, and you can turn it on or off, and also set the input current limit, but that is all.

For any programming needs you will still need the MK3 to USB adapter and a computer or tablet (although you can also get a Type A USB adapter to whatever type of port your phone uses, and connect that way as well), although for a (usually) small additional fee many distributors will program the unit for you before it's shipped out, so long as you have a very specific set of known parameters that you would like programmed into it.

Bottom line, all programming still needs to be via a hardwired connection, but if all you're looking for is to be able to check on your Multi and see what it's doing, the VE.Bus Smart Dongle will do that for you.

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ยท


There is a Bluetooth dongle you can plug in.

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pekkaj avatar image
pekkaj answered ยท

I was also surprised by missing bt. Is to usb same funcrionality as mk3 to usb for Multiplus II? it's much cheaper.

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fourtyone avatar image
fourtyone answered ยท

Itโ€™s now summer 2023, still waiting for an upgraded Multiplus in line with the new line of products offering a real bluetooth interface. Ready to buy as soon as itโ€™s released.

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punda avatar image punda commented ยท
Same here. I have the usb dongle with the 12v multiplus and it canโ€™t do anything.

My power needs just changed, and I needed to turn the search function off, so the inverter stays on all the time. This was easily done with the dip-switch, but then the AES-function was still on from factory, and this cannot be turned off without buying a laptop and another dongle! So now I need to keep a lamp on to draw enough power that the AES donโ€™t kick in, to have the inverter stay on, which will drain the batteries through the night and kill the batteries before their time.

Thanks Victron.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook โ™ฆโ™ฆ punda commented ยท
AES is not on from factory.

Also, the MK3-USB interface can be used with VictronConnect and any device with a USB port that supports OTG, you don't have to buy a laptop. I program MultiPlus and Quattro units from my Android phone with zero issues, connected to the MK3.

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punda avatar image punda Justin Cook โ™ฆโ™ฆ commented ยท

Ok, so I have to buy an android device, or any other device with a usb, plus the extra dongle, just to use the multiplus?

Instead of Victron just doing it right from the start.

I bought it new and have never had the chance to change the parametres, but the AES is definitely on.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook โ™ฆโ™ฆ punda commented ยท

There are many good reasons why accessing the full settings of a complex device like a MultiPlus requires extra steps. It would be far too easy for an inadvertent change in the settings made by an inexperienced consumer without understanding the operation of the unit or the repercussions of the change, which could lead to system failure or worse. Victron has already done it correctly I think.

The general intention is that installation be performed by a professional, who will of course already have the requisite equipment, but certainly allows for the DIY installer so long as they have the necessary equipment and understanding to do so. Considering that many manufacturers don't permit end-user access to the settings at all, or have no custom settings to speak of to begin with, a ~$68 (US) additional piece of equipment isn't really outlandish particularly given the cost of some similar components from other manufacturers.

Again, the factory setting on a MultiPlus does not have AES turned on, but it's certainly possible that when it was purchased it had been "custom set" from your supplier or otherwise; it's always hard to tell in that case, but it's not the default so something has been changed by someone since it left the factory. In any case, your options are to either talk to your supplier about the situation (they may have a loaner MK3 that could be used) or hire an installer for half an hour to program your unit as you'd like, or purchase the requisite equipment to do it yourself, and familiarize yourself with the programming options so as to not inadvertently change any parameters that you don't want to.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie Justin Cook โ™ฆโ™ฆ commented ยท


You are so right, thats why it has limited functions, also when you use the VE configure application, we get into grid change settings and the assistant settings which you have to use a laptop- PC to change settings etc, not for your average DIY to mess with, when you might have multiphase systems and multiple inverters, as there could be a major system breakdown etc.

The basic dongle is good for basic information and USB dongle for a bit more of system settings not goping to deep into it.

As this requires training to use the more advanced VE configure software etc.


Rob D


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punda avatar image punda Rob Duthie commented ยท

Usability in systems are not just about making an app user-friendly, it takes the whole output of the system in use, and in systems with a safety impact the effect on safe operations is considered when deciding which functions are to be available to which user profiles.

I work with Human Performance in industries with large-scale accident potential, and believe me people can create very risky work-arounds when their needs are not met by a system.

By making the necessary functions readily available to the users, you can make the dangerous, expert-knowledge setting changes even less available by separating the interfaces in which they are available. Meaning, making the AES function and battery-setting available to me in the app means I'm less likely to purchase the dongle and a laptop and start messing around with ALL the parametres and settings. If I could access the functions I need in the app, I wouldn't obtain access to all settings.

I'll write that again - if I had access to the functions I need in the app, I wouldn't obtain access to all settings.

Making the product usable for each user profile means higher levels of safety, not lower.

And of course, for those who are afraid that making these harmless functions available to the end-user would hurt your business, because you make money performing them today - we see time and time again that it is the most usable systems that sell the most, and are the safest. Meaning you would sell more devices, and make more money on the advanced configuration of these, while the end-users would be happier and less likely to fiddle with the advance settings themselves, ensuring a safer operation.

Besides, is the AES function harmful to turn on and off?

Is it risky to change the battery settings myself when I go from GEL-battery to Lithium? If so, why the setting available in other Victron products? And is it not more risky that that the multiplus is set up incorrectly with incorrect battery parametres, because I was not allowed to change the setting?

When designing a system you can't take only your own needs into account and disregard the end-users needs. Or well, you could, and be overtaken by better companies. Victron has done great with the usability of their smart range, but has completely dropped the ball on the inverters. Will Victron be another Nokia, laughing at the new companies emerging giving the customer what they wants?

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punda avatar image punda Justin Cook โ™ฆโ™ฆ commented ยท
The unit might be installed by a professional, but what when a small change in the users needs occur? Unharmful settings could be changed easily by the end-users, or it could go unchanged because of the price and un-availability of the professional installer meaning the system no longer is fit for purpose, which could lead to much more harmful situations than letting an end-user make the change themselves.

Or I could buy the dongle and a laptop and start messing around with ALL the settings. Let's see how well that goes.

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