
inam avatar image
inam asked

Evaluation of Lithium battery 100 AH@48 V


I need to evaluate lithium 100 Ah battery , what specific performance points i need to check for evaluation, including BMS Cells etc . I have integrated the Battery with Remote monitoring system through Modbus, so i can see and plot the real time and historical data of the battery. I am giving the parameters which i can monitor also. please provide me a comprehensive answer .

Should i need to visit the site, kindly support.


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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Hi, this does not make a whole lot of sense. Something is being lost in translation.

What Victron equipment does this relate to?

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1234enough avatar image
1234enough answered ·

Evaluate battery for what - is it big enough? Does it have enough discharge rate? Cell temp5 looks a tad on the chilly side !!!!

As above is this a Victron battery? Or what is is connected to?

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Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·

So how can your battery be evaluated without knowing what it will connect to? How can we judge if it's fit for purpose when we don't know the purpose?

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