
jasonviljoen avatar image
jasonviljoen asked

Any one else no longer getting real-time connection on VRM portal after update?

After Victron updated the VRM Portal this week the real-time feed connection no longer shows and therefore the toggle to in real-time change inverter mode etc. is not showing...

All the other data feeds in every few seconds but the real-time connection that allows for access to the toggle is not working.

no issues with my connection, internet speed, etc. only thing that has changed is this one feature on the VRM Portal not working.

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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Did you try to reboot the GX device?

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jasonviljoen avatar image
jasonviljoen answered ·

Weird thing is that I can access everything via the remote console, and I rebooted the system last night but no change. The only thing that changed is the new version of the VRM portal web page & app.

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jasonviljoen avatar image
jasonviljoen answered ·

Ok, seem to have found the issue - updated firmware from v3.00 to v3.33 and VRM Portal now has the realtime feed again.

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