
neptuneuk avatar image
neptuneuk asked

VRM registration emails using blacklisted mandrillapp IP


So for those of us implementing MTA blacklist checks against incoming mail (because we want the world to be a better, spamless place). It creates a problem by not allowing RBL blacklisted IP to send mail to our MTA's.

It appears that the Victron VRM registration and 'Forgotten Password' emails are sent using the Mailchimp 'Mandrillapp' paid plugin, however this is also a favourite of the worlds spammers too.

As a consequence a large number of the IP's used by Mailchimp (Mandrillapp) are listed in DNSBLs, RBL's etc.

This means if a properly configured, secure, spamfighting MTA receives mail from a blacklisted IP it will return a 554 response (Service not available) to that blacklisted mail sender, like below:

Jun 16 14:55:19 megatron postfix/smtpd[238486]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using; Error: open resolver;; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
rDNS for IP    OK
IP Addresses (A or AAAA records) for
At least one IP address of the DNS lookup for matches the original IP    OK

DNSBL Blacklist Test Summary     238 of 238 tests done.
Results     Not listed: 224     Blacklisted: 9     Brownlisted: 0     Yellowlisted: 0     Whitelisted: 0     Neutrallisted: 0     Failed: 5

You can see the IP used by mandrillapp for my password reset was at that point on 9 blacklists

The mandrill app doesn't report to the paying 'client' that the mandrillapp IP is blacklisted, but rather drops the recipient email address for all future sending requests from the clients application as a previously bounced address NOT that their sending IP has been blacklisted as it's been used by the worlds finest spammers using the mandrillapp service.

This means you'll never receive another Victron Email from that mandrillapp ever again! No registration emails, password resets etc.

So, how does one then navigate this issue? How do you get your password reset if Mandrillapp won't send you the email, or if it does, may use a blacklisted IP that should get rejected by many mailservers who are implementing anti-spam strategies? (Mandrillapp does do some IP rotation, so sometimes you will get lucky, but not their next attempt with another blacklisted IP for me, see below, they just stuck with this one, got 5 x 554 responses and marked the email as bounced)

rDNS for IP OK
IP Addresses (A or AAAA records) for OK At least one IP address of the DNS lookup for matches the original IP    OK DNSBL Blacklist Test Summary     238 of 238 tests done. Results     Not listed: 226     Blacklisted: 7     Brownlisted: 0     Yellowlisted: 0     Whitelisted: 0     Neutrallisted: 0     Failed: 5

Hopefully Victron will be ditching Mandrill in favour of their own application mailserver used only by them, with a clean IP........ Hello Amazon AWS SMS with reserved IP.....

Anyone know a direct email for support in this regard, that is to say either get my email activated or password reset so I can access VRM?

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3 Answers
neptuneuk avatar image
neptuneuk answered ·

Thanks @kevgermany good suggestion.

Bumping @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) now!

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @NeptuneUK

Thanks for reporting, I've forwarded it on so others are also aware and can make a decision. We've had an issue in the past with some receiving hosts as well, but have always managed to get it resolved without overhauling the back end infra provider.

I will forward on your specific request for VRM support (but it might be serviced by ANOTHER mandril outbound) so if you don't hear anything by 3 days time, please respond back here again and I can try another route.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Thanks for the feedback,

The back end team responsible has began the transition to no longer using IP addresses that are shared with other operators. They said it could take a month until the transition is complete, but there should already be improvements.

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