
luka-renko avatar image
luka-renko asked

Shelly 1PM gen 3 and Cerbo: Not connected

I have installed Shelly 1PM gen 3 switch/energy meter to my water heater load.

Cerbo seems to have detected the device on the network, as new "Shelly" device has been shown on Device List. However, it is listed as "Not Connected", even though it is online and I can control it with Shelly app.

When I test the switch and turn it On or Off, there is no change to "Shelly" device in device list.

Is there some additional configuration required to make it work in Cerbo?

cerbo gx
2 |3000

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dognose avatar image dognose commented ·
Do you have the shelly password protected? If so, guess it needs to be configured.

Strange, I'm running like 20 (unprotected) shellies and my cerbo never mentioned any of them.

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luka-renko avatar image luka-renko dognose commented ·
No password protection yet, just default config. I have just configured it via BT to connect it to boat WiFi and then Cerbo detected it.

Would like to control water heater to turn it off if battery is below 40% and no shore power.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ luka-renko commented ·

What mods/scripts have you used to get it to connect to the Cerbo?

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luka-renko avatar image luka-renko Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I did not use any mods - I just use Beta Large firmware from Victron. It seems it has this driver included, but does not work for me (of just Gen3 is not supported yet).

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rola avatar image rola commented ·

The built-in driver from Victron is only suitable for the Shelly Pro 3EM. If another one is connected via Websocket, it will be recognised, but as the data from the Shelly is sent in a different format, the Cerbo cannot decode it.

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luka-renko avatar image luka-renko rola commented ·
OK, so it seems I need to dive into finding appropriate mods.
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