
marinatin avatar image
marinatin asked

MultiPlus 12/2000/80 Fan Ticking Noise !

Does anyone have the infamous fan ticking noise?

They actually replaced the entire unit on warranty and the fans still tick when bulk charging. It's impossible to sleep or work in the van.

Desperate for suggestions or mods. Thanks.

Multiplus-IIMultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerfan
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

There has been a lot of talk about fans, but ticking? That's a new one.

All modern units have improved PWM control and don't have any of the previous issues of older units.

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marinatin avatar image
marinatin answered ·

It's my second one that has ticked liked a sonuvabich. I'll take a video and upload it. The unit is old enough that they're not going to do anything for me even though I made them aware of the issue as soon as I got it. Distributor..."Well maybe just get a different fan"...Gee thanks. The problem with Victron is that the support from their distributors often sucks or they want to charge $200 per hour just to give you simple answers on issues with product you just bought from them. If you email victron they'll just say "call your distributor".

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Have you opened it? isnt it just a wire or tyrap that hits the fan?

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marinatin avatar image marinatin commented ·
Unfortunately not. only ticks when the thing is really working. I'll try to get a video today.
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