
timraam avatar image
timraam asked

Newby Presale advice - Enphase and Victron, what setup and which manages output to grid

Hey all!

I've got a question about a new setup. My installer is not familiar with Victron, so I want to check the current concept and some additional questions.

System outline

  • 3 phase
  • 10kWp Panels (8.7 kWp output)
    • 23 x 435 Wp PV panels (13 + 10 groups)
    • 23 x Enphase IQ8HC (380W output)
  • 20 kWh battery
    • 3 x Multiplus II for battery management
    • 4 x Pylontech US5000

I've made my own calculations on opensolar. The system would cut my yearly bill by 70% (10kWh battery would be plenty for this calculation) (without batteries it would save 50%) and would produce about 6.400 kWh/year. According to Opensolar this is 600 kWh/year more than a string setup with Victron.

I was thinking of putting the victron parts directly after the main switch and return from both outputs.

The questions

  • Which system should manage the overall system?
    • For managing power export (ability to throttle to export no power export)
    • For disconnection from net on grid outage (switch to battery and solar)
    • For disconnection on inverter switchoff when neighborhood goes over 253 V (Netherlands)
      • To makes sure our production stays on with disconnection.
  • Or would I have two power monitor systems?
  • If I dump Enphase and solely use victron, how does victron prevent export of overproduction? Presuming the batteries are full.
  • The roof is pretty shaded most part of the year. How does Victron manages this. Would I need 4 strings on one side of the roof? (4 panels per string)
ESSPylontechEnergy Meterbatteryexport
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Kees-Jan (SensorX) avatar image Kees-Jan (SensorX) commented ·
Hi Tim,

These are very basic questions for an Victron installation, find yourself an Victron Installer. We could help you but don't know if that is near you're home.

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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi, i suggest you contact a victron dealer that does now what he is selling and can help you technically

there are a plenty in the netherlands

what type of multiplus are you planning to use? 3k,5k,10k ? important to match with 230v pv and batterys

for efficiency its better to have mppt's rather than 230v (micro) inverters, both is an option to,

in settings you can limit grid feed in on AC or DC PV, if your roof has shading use multiple strings and mppts

you need an GX (cerbo, or 1 multipus with GX and 2 normal) this controls the whole system

enphase micro inverters will work, but can give you trouble's in setting up and getting them to work properly

its best to also incorporate a grid meter (EM540) at incoming grid, so the GX can control the system (import / export)

i suggest you take a look at the following manuals: (zijn er ook in nederlands)

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