
mhinz76 avatar image
mhinz76 asked

VRM doesn't show AC input when there is no Victron Inverter - SOLUTION

Good morning all

there was this thread about VRM not showing the aggregated value of AC input when not using a Multiplus in your set-up (and only inverter). Here the link, unfortunately that conversation is Locked, because I found a solution:

There is a MultiPlus emulator that solves the issue. I had to set the phase in the config file to "L4", otherwise it would not calculate correctly and also you need to disable the AC out (critical load). Now it works just perfectly:


@nickdb maybe you can unlock that thread and I can copy&paste my solution in there for the others to use?

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·

Just want to say I love this idea.

I think a version of this (but on steroids) would be useful for folk looking to aggregate data from multiple gx systems.

Cerbo 1 real system.

Cerbo 2 real system.

Pi/Cerbo 3 aggregator with a web interface to make an easy way add the various "emulators" required and, system 3 then queries cerbo 1 and cerbo 2 for MQTT data to populate the emulators.

Niche i know as cant imagine many folk exist that want to monitor multiple gx systems as one (that dont already have their own custom made solutions).

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mhinz76 avatar image mhinz76 matt1309 commented ·
issue was "only" that when not using any MultiPlus device that VRM never showed the aggregated amount on all phases towards the grid. it did show on single phase but not the sum, even it showed correctly on the remote console. This solution is not to aggregate different GX amounts but to have a phase aggregated amount (see the issue in the link provided above). :)
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 mhinz76 commented ·
I understand that wasnt the intention of the solution was just commenting how I think that would be a useful thing to have and put ofc would require adding much more to your solution
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