
rpsmith avatar image
rpsmith asked

MP2 Firmware 551 problems!

FYI: Upgraded my MP2 48V 5K (120V) today to the latest firmware (551) and when it restarted it failed with error "#8 Ground relay test failed". I downgraded back to 510 and and restored my config and all is fine again!

firmware update
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kumpol avatar image kumpol commented ·

I have the same issue. I would like to go back to the previous firmware. Can you tell me how to downgrade. Mine is MP2 12v 3k 120v

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kumpol avatar image kumpol kumpol commented ·

Note: my MP2 is a brand new. Just hook it up with my Cerbo GX….then the new firmware message appeared….so I upgraded it. Before upgrading, it was working find as an inverter. I did not connect any AC in/out at all.

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rpsmith avatar image rpsmith kumpol commented ·

I used the Windows "VictronConnect" program and the "2626510.vff" file I got from Current Connected. I can e-mail you the file if you like. It is extremely easy to do but you will need a MK3-USB (VE.Bus to USB) cable.


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rpsmith avatar image rpsmith kumpol commented ·
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kumpol avatar image kumpol rpsmith commented ·
I just updated it to v552. Now it is working just fine.
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6 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Please note this has been raised internally and it is being looked at.

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rpsmith avatar image rpsmith commented ·

I now see the VRM firmware checker now shows version 510 as the latest firmware available.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Release notes of 552:

Bug removed which resulted in E8 (GND relay failure) on some 120V models.

For the non affected models (mostly 230V) there is no functional difference with 551. Only the version number is different

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neoneddy avatar image neoneddy commented ·
Where are release notes posted now? The Dropbox Firmware changelog has not been updated since 2023.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ neoneddy commented ·
Same place they have always been, the changelog is very much up to date.
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Galin Radoslavov avatar image
Galin Radoslavov answered ·

My unit is MP 12/1600/70-16 and is OK

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Because there is new firmware, does not mean you need to update to it.

Inverters aren't mobile phones, and firmware can introduce issues.

If you need new features or a bug fix, only then update.

Updates are not mandatory, if you have a stable system do not mess with it.

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Elvet Gehring avatar image
Elvet Gehring answered ·

Nick, unfortunately firmware and software updates irrespective of the target device or platform will in all probability fix a certain aspect, but due to the level and extent of regression testing, there is the risk that other components or aspects may no longer operate according to specification or develop an unexpected side effect.

Where one is changing the configuration and introducing a second inverter converting to a parallel configuration, Victron advises one to upgrade all inverters to the same level of firmware. This may also be applicable for all devices in the system to have the latest firmware levels applied.

The alternative is to ensure that the latest matching stable release of firmware be applied to all components in the system. In other words, roll back to a level no one has experienced problems with.

I agree that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Again, this is also not always practically possible and we need to advance the system to its optimal performance.

Vorsprung durch Technik, Audi slogan says it very well.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Checking the release note before an update is advised. Changing programming or config does not mean you need to update firmware at all.

Usually it is done...

1. On a new install

2. Troubleshooting (after reading release notes to check if it is addressed)

3. Or adding a new component (if its firmware is newer than your current config.)

If the firmware does not have a feature update (ie grid code or fault code as a ove) and does not have a fix for a problem you are currently experiencing - don't update - you are already on a stable firmware.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
While this holds true for more complex devices, updates to inverter firmware are generally infrequent, they tend to amend grid codes (often needed for certification requirements/changes in specific regions) and sometimes adds new functionality. Bug fixes are usually to fix a regression from an update, as is the case here.

You can see from the release notes how few changes are made in a release, and what they are.

Unless you have regional certification issues to fix, or need new functionality (eg the solar priority for mobile installations - had zero benefit to fixed installs), there is absolutely no need to update as you are on a stable version already.

With large differences in versions you can end up with issues if you run current GX code, as there are just dependencies that have to be met.

The majority of updates are done due to FOMO, and unfortunately too many end-users just can't do them properly and create problems where there were none.

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Elvet Gehring avatar image
Elvet Gehring answered ·

Alexandra, do the release notes specify exactly what has been introduced to the firmware, or is there the possibility that a certain level of omission exists.

Further to this, there will be times when the back-end systems change, database tables are changed and this may include adding some variables that did not exist previously.

In this scenario I would think that all components need to be upgraded to the same level. Disclaimer - unless the upgrade path is conducted in a piecemeal basis and not a big bang approach.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Sometimes on the GX things are changed alot. But these are usually worked through in the beta threads. Particularly the GX ones. That is where all the database tables are etc.

The new big jump in numbers is because of the Quattro 2s and functionality for them is mentioned in the release. So again not applicable to all systems.


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