
eugef avatar image
eugef asked

DC DC charger not charging

I have 18A Victron Orion Smart DC-DC charger in Campervan. It doesn’t seem to be charging to Leisure Battery at all. I can see on the app it has output of 12v on the AGM Spiral battery settings. I checked the connections to both batteries and these are OK. Have I set something incorrect to push charge into the LB?

battery charging
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3 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Orion has automatic on/off logic that's based on the incoming voltage. This needs to be set carefully and may not work depending on the cable voltage drop. It also has a connector to turn the unit on and off.

Need more info on your setup:

wiring diagram with cable sizes and lengths

current Orion programming

Input and output voltage readings

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eugef avatar image
eugef answered ·

img-8975.pngThe Orion is on a 2.5m cable run from starter battery and 0.5m to LB from Orion. Both 16mm cable.


Settings as below. img-8933.png

img-8934.png (201.3 KiB)
img-8975.png (317.0 KiB)
img-8933.png (183.3 KiB)
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eugef avatar image
eugef answered ·

I’m going to pull it out and have it tested by supplier.

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