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duncangardiner asked

ESS Modbus activate and deactivate Scheduled Charge levels

Hi I am based in Portugal and have a Multiplus ii 48/8000 setup with an ESS assistant. The ESS assistant allows my system to be connected to the grid to push or pull energy from my supplier.

I normally only push excess energy to the supplier and run my loads in the house for the most part in an off grid state (via a battery bank).

On occasion when the batteries get very low due to rain days or heavy cloud. I use the scheduled charge levels option within ESS section of the Cebro GX to charge my batteries from the grid at night (thus buying power when its cheaper here).

My question is:

Is the toggle for the scheduled charge levels (the GX has 5 schedules that you can set) within the ESS section exposed via Mod-Bus-TCP, and can I interact with them, for example from Home Assistant. I intend to keep the setup of each schedule something that is adjust within the GX remote console. But once set up I wish to control the activation and deactivation externally.

Specifically, I'd like to build an autmation that activates a scheduled charge level or deactivates a scheduled charge level when conditions within Home Assistant are met?

Kind regards Duncan

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