
paul1980 avatar image
paul1980 asked

Using Cerbo GX with Multiplus 2 GX

I am looking to see what is required to connect a multiplus 2 gx to a cerbo gx.

I had a multiplus 2 gx already and then decided to get a cerbo so I can add functionality such as monitoring my water tanks in the motorhome. I am assuming that I can't have 2 GX devices connected together but I'm not 100%. I read somewhere else that you can unplug the gx device inside the multiplus but wanted to see if that was needed. Also if that is the case, how do I identify what I need to disconnect?



cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Yes you must disconnect the gx card in order for it to work, see this post for explanation

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paul1980 avatar image paul1980 commented ·
Thanks. So just to clarify, is the GX card the card the display ribbon cable is coming from? My Multiplus looks slightly different internally to the ones pictured.



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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL paul1980 commented ·
Yes should have display, rj45 and power wire connected to it
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paul1980 avatar image paul1980 Duivert NL commented ·
Great, thankyou for your help
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