
bertcy avatar image
bertcy asked

Total consumption does not add up

Greetings Victron community,

Can anyone help me make sense of this.

This system is allowed to export to the grid and because of the low house consumption, it mostly exports the battery to the grid up to SOC 60% as it is set.

The total consumption figure on the other hand does not make sense.

Does anyone understand why?strange-consumption-data.png

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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

is AC loads that value constantly or sometimes spontaneous? if AC loads dont have a meter its always an assumption from the system, and how do you measure grid?

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bertcy avatar image bertcy commented ·
The grid is measured using a Carlo Gavazzi meter. The Carlo Gavazzi meter measures the total grid incoming power but the system has essential and non essential loads (ESS-> grid metering -> External meter). There is no meter on the inverter output but there is a PV inverter. We have a similar setup elsewhere and it did not require another meter on the output but adding another Carlo Gavazzi meter on the output will help the victron system. The PV inverter is also set to be on the output (PV inverter -> Inverter -> AC out MP). The PV inverter is a three phase PV inverter.
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL bertcy commented ·
do you mean the fronius pv inverter? or do you have a second pv inverter connected?
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bertcy avatar image bertcy Duivert NL commented ·
I meant the fronius PV inverter, there is only one PV inverter on site ( Fronius) and it is set at the output on the cerbo gx and physically coupled at the AC out of the victron system. No Carlo Gavazzi installed at the output.
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