
dtcv avatar image
dtcv asked

Connection/communication between charge controller and inverter

I'm interested in acquiring a Phoenix inverter.

I already have the smartsolar 75/15 MPPT charge controller and in its manual it says that "all Phoenix VE.Direct inverters can be controlled by connecting the left side connection of the remote control"

I would like to know what "be controlled by" means exactly :

- can i access the inverter's advanced configuration via the charge controller Bluetooth capabilities (via the victron connect app)?

- can I create a smart network between the 2 devices without the need of an extra Bluetooth dongle?

- achieve anything else that I'm not understanding already?

Thanks, community.

MPPT ControllersPhoenix Invertersmart solar charging behaviour
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Ah, so, in order: No, No, and Possibly.

Have a look at the online manual for your controller, as it goes far more into detail in the various functionality available than the printed manual it comes with:

The "control" that you're likely reading about would be this, as it directly shows the On/Off control of a Phoenix inverter VE.Direct by using the controller's "load" port to switch the inverter's Remote jumper (yes, using the left side of the remote jumper):


control.png (57.5 KiB)
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dtcv avatar image
dtcv answered ·

Thanks for the online manual tip !

About this :

The solar charger can still control these loads to prevent deep battery discharges by linking the load's remote on/off terminal to the solar charger load output.

Does it mean that the inverter will shut down when the "low load voltage level" value (set on the solar charger via the victron connect app) is reached?

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