
urbok avatar image
urbok asked

Cerbo GX - Ve Direct only to MPPT, no cable to SmartSHunt. Possile to have Battery Charge?

I've an installation with 1 MPPT Solar 100/20 and 1 SmartShunt connected to Lifepo4 Battery.
Actually I've Connected MPPT to the SmartShunt with VE Smart Network over Bluetooth.
I want to add a Cerbo GX to read bettery status over VRM but I can't connect both MPPT and SShut using ve direct cable due to the distance.
Only 1 device can be connected to the cerbo between MPPT and SShunt.
I was thinking if it's possible to have a mixed scenario like this:

Cerbo GX -> Ve Direct -> MPPT Solar
SShunt -> Ve Smart Net -> MPPT

Can I receive the battery charge % and voltage on Cerbo from MPPT?
Is the Shunt status value passed to MPPT over Ve Smart Net compatible with Cerbo GX connected only to MPPT with Ve Direct?

Alternatively I can connect the SShunt to the Cerbo installing it near the battery but in this scenario I think I'll lose the MPPT PV statistics.

thanks in advance for the help

cerbo gxMPPT SmartSolarSmartShunt
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

No, data on the Cerbo is only possible via wired connection, so you'll need to connect both the SmartShunt and the MPPT to the Cerbo via VE.Direct.

That said, a couple points:

1. VE.Direct cables are available in up to 10m length, which is usually long enough for most installations;

2. If you need a longer connection than that, you can always just use a VE.Direct USB Interface (, and a high-quality powered USB hub to connect it to, then run the USB hub's connection back to the Cerbo - this should be able to get you up to around 30m or so of connection range.

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·
In addition, it is not advised (possibly improper) to have both a wired network and a smart network active on the same system.


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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ Fideri commented ·
Yes. Not supported and we see quite a few problems reported here when people try it without realising.
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