
jeroen-kesimaat avatar image
jeroen-kesimaat asked

Manually add (historical) pv data to VRM?

Hello, im new to Victron and just installed a Cerbo GX, MultiPlus 2 in ESS mode and added the PV inverter data to VRM. Now i want to add historical pv data from my GoodWe and Growatt inverter to VRM. Is there a way to achieve this?

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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Jeroen Kesimaat,

This isn't something that we offer.

From a technical perspective, there is an import feature to VRM, but it is expecting the database file from a GX device, not an arbitrary CSV or anything else.

There is no supported schema to make this database file or anything like that, nor is it something we really want to encourage so it won't be documented or otherwise made available.

Depending on your level of interest and technical skill working with databases, you could try, but I don't know if it will even work, I expect that it won't, and wouldn't recommend it.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi as far as i know thats not possible..

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