
patatman avatar image
patatman asked

EVCS feature request - Keep charger locked

I used to have a charger with the cable attached to it, but after switching to the Victron EVCS I'm missing this.

It would be great if I could keep my cable locked inside the EVCS even if I drive off. This way I can keep the cable connected, without someone stealing it.

I figured this shouldn't be too hard, since it's a solenoid triggering when charging, so the feature is already there.


Lock mode:

- Auto (only lock when charging starts)

- Locked (Keep latch locked)

chargerfeature requestevcsev charger
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2 Answers
peregrines avatar image
peregrines answered ·

I also really would appreciate this. Cables are very expensive and everyone can just grab it right now :(

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ton-gans avatar image
ton-gans answered ·
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