
goon326 avatar image
goon326 asked

Multiplus 1600 second output

Hello, maybe this is a stupid question, but where can I find the second output of my multiplus 1600 to charge my starter battery. Thanks!

chargerev charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

It depends which version you have, but the trickle charge connection location (if equipped) can be found in the appendix of the user and installation manual for your model. If you have the newer-style model it's here:

g.png (70.4 KiB)
2 |3000

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goon326 avatar image goon326 commented ·

Thanks! I have the old style edition. And in that manual it says there is a second output. But the drawing is a bit unclear to me.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ goon326 commented ·

Oh, the old boxy one? That should be this photo then, looks like it'll be (as it usually is) just a little Faston terminal (otherwise known as a spade connector) on the left side. Worth noting that it's only a +ve connection on any of these, the assumption is that your starter battery and main battery bank share a common negative return path.


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old.png (101.9 KiB)

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