
ronski avatar image
ronski asked

VRM not showing system overview graphs or advanced graphs on shared sites

When I'm at work I use my shared VRM to check on my system, a week or two back it stopped showing the installation data - system overview graph, then a few days later it started working again, its now stopped working again. When it does this you cannot view any graphs on the advanced tab either - they never display.

This behaviour is the same with any shared site, so long as you are not logged into the VRM, if you are logged into your own VRM in the same browser then shared sites display properly.

To replicate this open a browser where you are not logged into a VRM, and open a shared site.


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Jonathan Walton avatar image Jonathan Walton commented ·
Hi, I have just asked this question a few hours ago as I am having exactly the same issue.
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ronski avatar image ronski Jonathan Walton commented ·

I did try searching, but only found some posts from years ago.

I've linked your post so others can see it.

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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Ronski,

Apologies, I've asked the VRM team to look into it.

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ronski avatar image ronski commented ·

Thanks Guy, main dashboard started working properly a few days, advanced graphs came back to life today.

Thank you for getting this sorted out.

Edited to add:

Actually that may not be strictly true, just tried Andy's Off Grid Garage, and I can't view the advanced tab.

If I copy my share link to a browser where I'm not logged in I also can't see the advance graphs, they just never load.

Now on my system at work, where I also just open my share link it seems to think I'm logged in, well it gives me the option to logout, but I'm not actually logged in.


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brezzi avatar image
brezzi answered ·

Same Problem, advanced graphs are just not loading

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