
miles-medes avatar image
miles-medes asked

Energy Meter 300m to Cerbo?

Hello community,

We are adding an energy meter to an off grid system that will now be grid connected. The incomer is 300m away from the existing installation and we would like to know if RS485 can be used over that distance between the Cerbo GX and Carlo Gavazzi meter? It may be possible to move the system closer to the incomer, but the clients preference is to keep it where it is if possible.

Energy Meter
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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi yes if you use a good quality cable 1200m is possible under best scenario

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miles-medes avatar image
miles-medes answered ·

Thank you for the response, have you seen this set up and working anywhere, we need to be sure before specifying £1,800 worth of Belden RS485 cable. Thank you.

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djsmiley avatar image djsmiley commented ·

I would consider running ethernet. That also allows you to use this for other applications (Camera's, ev charging or whatever you might need), and is not sensitive to lightning/surges.

300m single mode fiber (direct burried) costs like 200GBP or so, add 200 for media converters and you're good (And have a more versitile option imho) and you can use the ethernet meters.
You only need to add connectors, but a few fibers can be done in <2 hours. Even if you buy a cheap fiber splicer (800GBP) you're still cheaper than running copper.

(or use ethernet - rs485 if you want to stick with rs485)

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gazza avatar image
gazza answered ·

You might want to look at a wireless option...? There are several LoRa RS485 Tx/Rx options?

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