
ke3su avatar image
ke3su asked

Data Server with Venus OS

I'm building a new off grid system / complete Victron - in a Travel Trailer. It will not have full time internet. I'm adding a data server this time ( this is my 3rd build ) for the GX device. I'm an end user not a developer. Is there any advantage to using Venus OS / Linux instead of Windows on a micro PC not a Rasberry PI. I'm going to use Grafana/InfluxDB as the data server.

Venus OSgx devicegrafana
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2 Answers
johnny-brusevold avatar image
johnny-brusevold answered Ā·


Venus Os is made for ARM processors and not a complete desktop operating system either.

Linux can run on almost any processor available.

Windows runs mainly on an X86 compatible processor.

Since you will have this as a data logger/server, it must run 24/7 to collect data. If you don't have a lot of energy to spare, I would go for a risc processor with linux.

I myself have a pi5 with grafana/influx, with desktop, and also use it as a TV in 4k and works well for editing video and graphics, and the internet.

Of course, it's not super fast for video editing, but it surprised me in terms of power consumption.

Recommends the use of a PCI express adapter with an SSD disk.

I made a howto to install linux with grafana and influxDB on both x86 and pi5 here in the forum a while back

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ke3su avatar image ke3su commented Ā·

Thank you for your answer. I understand it'll be running 24/7. A mini windows computer will pull about 65 watts. I Have almost 2k watts of solar ( at peak ) and will be up grading batteries in the near future. I can run grafana/influxdb from docker in a windows environment and set up MQTT with hardwired ethernet I should be OK. I don't see any advantage for Linux/Venus as an end user. I'm retired and done with devloping LOL. An inexpensive server ( about $100 US ) will help in identifying usage and needs. Again thank you.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered Ā·

Windows has a higher power consumption as GNU/Linux, especially if you run it as Data-Server. My Intranet Server run Debian GNU/Linux and require just 45W while running PostgreSQL, Apache, Courier-IMAP/Fetchmnail/Procmail, many PHP7 scripts and more.

Has 14 active users...

The MCU is a MV-700 Telecommunications-MCU with 32 PCI Express single lane But is can be configured freely up to 4 PCI Express 8 lanes. Runns with 700MHz. Unfortunately it is not more produced since several years, otherwise I would have manufactured several boards for it.

Was a Fun-Project and now, when I have the money to do some bigger, the MCU is gone! Very Bad.

...time flys!

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