
Tibor Kocsis avatar image
Tibor Kocsis asked

Victron EV Charger

After upgrad EV Charger to version 1.28 , automatic mode cant start, always stop and can not start automatical. When I start manually , after 1 minutes always stop. My FW generating 10kW . Feed in is enable. I must downgrade to version 1.27 and everything work fine.

firmware updateev charging station
2 |3000

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Hi, please provide more info, 1.28 is already running on thousands of systems and there are no issues like this reported.
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Tibor Kocsis avatar image Tibor Kocsis Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
I have 3 phase system 48v 5000 and use Victron EV charger version 1. I update to version 1.28 and set mode to automatic. PV generate 8kW and send to grid but charger always in state Waiting start. If change mode to Schedulled or Manual and change back to automatic, charging started but after 1minute stopped. And can not start. I waiting more than 10 minutes but can not start charging. System always generate and send more Than 8kW to grid. After this i do downgrade firmware to 1.27 and i can do anything. Automatically start charging.
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Tibor Kocsis commented ·

Can you share a video? I need to see the main wabpage of the EVCS while this is happening.

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