
nobdy avatar image
nobdy asked

Multiplus: Set a max-allowed value on the adjustable current limit?

I have a Multiplus 12/3000/120 and a Cerbo GX / GX Touch.

On the GX Touch I can adjust the input current limit for my shore power, which is important. The adjustment goes up to 50A (max the multiplus can support), but my shore power cable is only rated for 30A. I would like to allow adjusting to any value up to 30A but lock out any setting above this. Is it possible?

I could set up a program on node red to watch the input setting and reduce to 30A if it goes higher. But I would prefer something simpler to just not even show those as available on the control.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargercurrent limit
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


With an mk3 (and victron connect) or over the VRM you program the max limit on the inverter to 30A input. (Or slightly less)

Even when adjustable by remote is on that will remain as the ceiling. Or you can just untick the box there and it cannot be adjusted after that.

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nobdy avatar image nobdy commented ·

That wasn’t my experience. Am I missing something?

Using VE Configure, as in this screenshot, control 2, if I check “overridden by remote” then the GX touch can set any current limit up to 50 amps, regardless of whatever value I set as current in VE configure, and if I uncheck it then the GX touch can’t set the current limit at all.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ nobdy commented ·
Are you changing it over vrm?
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cardy01 avatar image cardy01 nobdy commented ·

That's normal .... you can set a limit in VE Configure that can't be overridden by a remote device .... Once the remote device can change the current limit there is no way to limit the values it can set ... the full range is available.

I think the OP wants to enable remote changes but limit the maximum value that the remote device can choose.

The simple answer is to disable remote override once VE Configure has set it to 30A.

I can't see a reason to want both?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ cardy01 commented ·

Sure went home and tried it. Can definitely set higher than it should. Never used to be able to with (significantly older firmware) But then literally never clicked on it since we never wanted to.

The thing with a platform made for everyone to use having a tailored solution to one install is not a done thing.

I would disable it if it was an issue.

If two limits were wanted then maybe a node red solution with digital inputs, gui mods or something on those lines.

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nobdy avatar image nobdy cardy01 commented ·
The reason to want both, is that the remote limit feature is really important when plugging in to smaller shore power eg 20A, 15A, 15A through a long extension cord so call it 8A to be on the safe side, etc.

But in my installation the shore power cord is only rated for 30A so setting a higher value would not be safe.

I rarely see more than that available, and I don’t care to spend the time and money to upgrade my shore power cord.

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cardy01 avatar image cardy01 nobdy commented ·
Why would you set a higher value?
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nobdy avatar image nobdy cardy01 commented ·
By accident. I am trying to prevent accidents
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cardy01 avatar image
cardy01 answered ·

Accidents can't be prevented ... you are trying to "idiot proof" your system ... restrict the access ... unless you are the idiot?

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