
Simon Brazeau avatar image
Simon Brazeau asked

RPi 4b support for SIM7600

Hello everyone, I am new to Victron and purchased a small system this week that I should receive hopefully next week. During the wait I decided to test the RPi 4b to have the system log to VRM. The main system using WIFI works but I want to configure it using the SIM7600.

The issue is that the Venus OS image for 4b doesn't seem to support the SIM7600 HAT or has a bug. I have an older Pi 3b that I tested the old image and it works without needing to configure anything, the option is in the GSM in the menu.

Has anyone been successful at getting it to work with Pi 4b?

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Raspberry Pi running Victron’s Venus firmware - Blog Post

Venus OS Large image: Signal K and Node-RED - Install

raspberrypi install venus image

Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)