
ben-erwin avatar image
ben-erwin asked

Multiplus AC passthrough, with batteries disconnected (for storage)

Hi everyone,

I looked for solutions for my exact circumstance, but the solutions werent exactly fitting, and I still have questions.

Im trying to get my LiFePO4 batteries into a storage state on my boat as we are putting it to bed for the season. As we are parked in a marina with shore AC power, I was going to allow my multiplus 24/3000/50 to continue passing through AC to power my Starlink and some other items so I can monitor it remotely. My lithium bank has a battery isolation disconnect switch, which I planned to switch off to simply prevent anything from drawing from (or to) those batteries. If I leave the Multiplus in its regular configuration (Inverter/Charger) and simply disconnect the lithiums, are there any adverse effects to the Multiplus in allowing it to transfer AC from shore to the rest of my boat? -Im attempting to make this process as simple as possible i.e. Minimal software setting changes.

Thanks for your thoughts!

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The inverters are not designed nor supported to operate without a battery.

Don’t do it.

Rather look at the PV priority/sustain/storage features that are available, or consider a bypass to grid/shore.

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ben-erwin avatar image ben-erwin commented ·
Thanks for the reply Nickdb. These settings would be in Victron Configure/Connect? I guess Im surprised that there isnt a 'Passthrough' option for the Multiplus, I feel like there should be more robust options for putting your system into a "storage state" without having to go in and change the voltage settings for all your devices. -Im assuming thats what most people do, is just reduce the maximum voltage their chargers will charge to? It would be nice to have an "SOC setting" that it maintains instead of voltage. If you have any good links for putting a victron system into storage, I'd be grateful for any direction there.

I guess the current plan is to just run an extension cord to the shore box for AC, to run a few devices on it. I'll disconnect my lithium bank completely and shut down the multiplus after drawing them down to ~50%SOC (based on Ah). Then I'll use my AGM bank to run safety items like my bilge pump, and change my blue solar MPPT charger settings to keep the AGM's topped up.

​I know thats a vague description of my plan and doesnt describe my build very well, but any critiques of this plan, Id also be open to.

Thanks again!

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