
ry-de avatar image
ry-de asked

Grid, PV and Load data not correct on VRM for AC System


I am struggling to understand why I can’t get correct data img-1321.jpegfrom VRM. I can get correct data via from its app and through solar log base but not with VRM. I have attached my system layout (based on my understanding) and a screenshot from VRM. I would appreciae and value if someone could help me work through this issue. img-1329.jpeg

img-1329.jpeg (663.9 KiB)
img-1321.jpeg (338.9 KiB)
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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

doesnt the fronius sends its data already to the cerbo over IP?

looks like your measuring the pv twice (over netwerk and with et 340)

if you devide the 14199 by 2 then your measurement to grid and to house are about right with the said 500w as your last post stated

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ry-de avatar image ry-de commented ·

Thank you @duivert

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ry-de avatar image
ry-de answered ·

@Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff)

Hi Daniel,

I wanted to see if you had any insight regarding my issue. Or could you direct me to someone who would.

Thank you

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi whats the problem, values in vrm look correct

6465W to grid plus7670W to loads plus 20W to battery is 14155W from PV, the difference is cable losses, selfconsumption of inverter(s)

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ry-de avatar image ry-de commented ·

@duivert Hi,

The system max is 9kw and our system loads are less than 500w during the day.

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