
lifewithmike avatar image
lifewithmike asked

Multiplus II 48v 8000-15000 parallel operation vs Quattro 8-15k units

I've searched hide and wide and appears today with current firmware a Multiplus III 8-15k can't be paralleled with another of the same size unit. I've read countless threads going back several years and its talked alot about as a possible firmware, but nothing confirmed or official. Am i missing anything?

So my choices are...

  • 2x Multiplus IIs 48/5000s @ 230v to get 10000va and I could add 4 more down the road to get to 20000va.
  • 1x Quatro 10000 and can later add a 2nd 10000 as the Quatros apparently can be paralleled.

Related to the Multiplus II vs Quatros...

  • ESS capabilities is there any differences I may be overlooking?
  • I have no regular use case for a 2nd AC input.
  • Peak power on Quatro seems to be a little higher, again not a plus to me as the 1000 MP2 peaks at 18kw.
  • Idle draw on Quatro is 60w vs 38w on the Multiplus II 10k unit.
  • Can the 2nd input on the Quatro be EnPhase IQ8's? Will the Quatro control the Hz / micros when charging is near full or will it just export to grid when grid tied?
  • Tech wise - Its seems the MP2 is "newer" hardware vs Quatros a more legacy "motherboard"? Is there a Quatro 2 10-15k coming soon?
Multiplus-IIMultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargermultiplus in parallel
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Victron don't comment on product release cycles or plans on the community.

Like all things they are a work in progress.

As per the manual, the second input cannot be used concurrently, one always has priority so is typically used by a generator.

There isn't much between them, and it is always better to have fewer larger units as paralleling needs to be done carefully, and is less efficient. They have the same capabilities.

If 15k is not enough, then your only choice is the quattro. Personally I would not want a wall full of 5k inverters, the idle load would be much higher.

There are plenty of manuals and guides which contains the data you need, I would encourage you to do the research and use the free online training at

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