
goon326 avatar image
goon326 asked

Multiplus 12/1600/70 relay usage for charging 2nd battery


How do I use the second input of my multiplus which charges 4A, and let it only work if there is shore power and the multiplus is in charging mode? Can I program this via the relay port?



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4 Answers
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

Do you mean Output?

If so look at the relay assistant and see if it can do what you want.

You cant control Multi relays any other way, not even node red.
You can use an input and make a relay follow it, with the assistant, but if you were using, say a GX relay, to drive the input, you would be better just using that relay directly.

Either way, switch a contactor, or bigger relay, that connects the output to your battery.
If you can run Large OS it will probably be easier to build your logic in NodeRed that and use a GX relay to switch the contactor.

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goon326 avatar image
goon326 answered ·

But how do I program the Cerbo S GX in that way? For what I now saw in the settings I cannot program that relay complete freely. Or do I have to connect it in another way than just via the Cerbo screen?

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Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

I built you a PDF explaining, I am trying not to smoke so the distraction was worth the effort.

Relay Assistant.pdf

I don't think you will want charging state BYW if AC is on and the battery is full and in an Idle state that probably will not keep the relay on.

Hope that helps...

relay-assistant.pdf (868.4 KiB)
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goon326 avatar image
goon326 answered ·

Thanks a lot! This will help, I will look at it tommorow, if I can built this!

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Alistair Warburton avatar image Alistair Warburton commented ·
Glad it helped... Be careful and plan first... Fuse everything!
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