
image6255 avatar image
image6255 asked

ET112 + Multiplus II baud rate

I had to install an ET112 because one VM-3P75CT was not enough for my setup and I'm wondering if Multiplus II GX supports any baud rates apart from default 9600.

The meter works well with the default baud rate, I'm just curious if any other modes are supported.


Energy Meter
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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·
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image6255 avatar image
image6255 answered ·

The posts there seem to be misleading. I've tried to change the baud rate with Carlo Gavazzi UCS, although my Multiplus just doesn't see it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but only 9600 works for me.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·
Not sure of your actual objective. The baud rate will only potentially impact the latency between the GX and ET112, which is berween 180-250ms at a 9600 baud rate. There are however other factors involved too, so not a given. This does not change the slow'ish 750ms refresh of the ET112 meter. If you are looking to improve the inverter response time, then search the forum on the topic which has been discussed in depth. Solutions include using a CT clamp (I do) or maybe look at the EM540 which has a 100ms response time.
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image6255 avatar image image6255 ejrossouw commented ·
Ok, got it, thanks. I thought that internally ET112 has a higher refresh rate, if it's as high as 750ms, it won't make any sense to increase the baud rate, I agree.

Regarding EM540, even if it refreshes 10 times per second, it will be limited by the baud rate, so my question is still valid - does Victron support any baud rates above 9600? I was unable to find any definitive answer. It seems like it does support that for some GPS devices but I haven't found anything definitve on meters.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw image6255 commented ·

Unfortunately I can't help you there. It is not an end-user configurable option (at least from what I know) and I think you may have more success in the modifications section.

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