
sorentaato avatar image
sorentaato asked

Unable to connect Multiplus with Cerbo GX

Hi, I'm trying to connect a bran new Multiplus compact 12/1600/70-16 to a Cerbo GX using a normal ethernet cable. The Cerbo (Firmware V3.31) do not detect the Multiplus (2606497.VDF). Multiplus pin settings are factory default and it's turned on and connected to a LifePo4 battery. I'm using the correct Ve.bus port on the Cerbo and the Cerbo is visible in VRM - but the Multiplus is not. I have tested several cables and rebooted Cerbo after I have connected the cable. I have currently no other devices connected to my system. What is wrong?img-1056.pngimg-1053.jpgimg-1054.jpg

cerbo gxmultiplus ve.bus
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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

the RJ45 is for connecting multiple multipluses in paralellel, not for connecting it to a cerbo, as in teh manual stated in section 4.4.5

edited: my comment was not right..

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sorentaato avatar image sorentaato commented ·

No that is not correct - there are videos on Youtube where people are connecting Multiplus Compact to Cerbo GX

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL sorentaato commented ·

hmm, yes you are right i found that video too, maybe rescan the ve bus in the cerbo menu?

can you see the multi in VRM > remote console ?

also found this in the cerbo manual: section 4.1

Note that for Multis, Quattros and EasySolars, it is not possible to use the Remote On/Off (header on the VE.Bus control PCB) in combination with a Cerbo GX. There should be a wire between the left and middle terminal, as it is when shipped from the factory.

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sorentaato avatar image sorentaato Duivert NL commented ·

No, the Multiplus is not visible in VRM only the Cerbo.

I saw that note as well, but are not really sure what it means. What is control PCB? My Multiplus was not shiped with any wire between any of the terminals - Do you know which terminals they are talking about. I assume it is the control terminals?

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL sorentaato commented ·
in the vrm app, or online click on the 3 lines and go to remote console > menu

can you see the multi there?

there is a blue remote control connector on the pcb next to the ve bus connection

thats where the wire shoud be, between left and middle

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sorentaato avatar image sorentaato Duivert NL commented ·


Are they saying that there should be a wire between Terminal H1 and H2? (H2 and H3 would make more sense to me)

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multiplus.jpg (95.9 KiB)
Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL sorentaato commented ·
thats what the mean yes, make more sense on right to me too :)

but give it a try, cant break anything

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sorentaato avatar image sorentaato Duivert NL commented ·
I will try this tonight.
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sorentaato avatar image sorentaato Duivert NL commented ·
This did not solve the problem. I will try to get hold of a MK3-USB to update the firmware in the Multiplus.
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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

I would update the multiplus to 510, then check if it asks for a mk3 update in the inverter section on the GX.

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sorentaato avatar image sorentaato commented ·

My plan was to use the Cerbo to update the firmware, but since I can not connect it I can't update the Multiplus. I assume I need at MK3-USB to update to 510?

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sorentaato avatar image sorentaato commented ·

Ordered a MK3-USB today - Hope that will solve the problem.

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sorentaato avatar image sorentaato commented ·
Multiplus is now updated to 510 - still no connection to the Cerbo GX
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Sten avatar image
Sten answered ·

Just a though. You are using a patch cabel not a crossed cabel.

If you compare the 2 connector holding them together the color of the conductors should be in the same place. You should also connect H2 and H3 to turn on the multiplus.

If you have confirmed this, try to connect to your cerbo with remote console and see if the multiplus is in the list of devices.

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sorentaato avatar image sorentaato commented ·
I will have to check the cable, but I have tried several different cables and the cables works fine with my MK3-USB. Connecting H2 and H3 does not change anything.

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Sten avatar image Sten sorentaato commented ·
One more Thing. Is the green light turn on on the multiplus?
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Sten avatar image Sten commented ·
I have a correction to my answer. You should not need to connect H2 and H3.

You only need to turn on the power button on the front.

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sorentaato avatar image sorentaato Sten commented ·
yes the power (green light) is on
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