
scottz avatar image
scottz asked

GX Touch 70 will not wake up

When my GX Touch 70 display times out, it will not wake up. I have to power cycle it to get it working again. As a temporary solution, I have set the time out to never. Wondered if anyone else has seen this issue.

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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Do you have the Touch HDMI connected directly to the Cerbo's HDMI port or are you using an HDMI extension? The only time I've actually seen this error is when an extension is being used.

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scottz avatar image
scottz answered ·

Yes, both HDMI & USB extension required. Display is about 16' from Cerbo.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

Ah... that'll possibly do it. HDMI extension is not and never has been supported - the correct action is to mount the Cerbo within ~5' of the display and extend the data cables to it, but not the HDMI.

There are some over the years who have gotten various extensions to work, but there are more who have suffered random oddities if not outright failures due to it, so it's very much a "try at your own risk" thing.

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