
dragoth avatar image
dragoth asked

Orion 24/12-70 Ground wire attachment

When installing the Orion 24/12-70 ground wire that connects to the 0v stud on the Orion, should it have the 24v ground or the 12v ground connected here? Or both? The instructions don't exactly lay it out although it does say ground wire(s) as in plural. I have been told mixed information regarding this particular attachment point.

Orion DC-DC Converters not smartwiringGrounding
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1 Answer
dc-marine avatar image
dc-marine answered ·

As this Orion uses a non-isolated design, it needs both 12v and 24v sources to have a common negative. You can connect it’s negative back to either source, but you must size it to the full rated load of 80a and consider the 12v load voltage drop as well. I usually treat it as a 12v wire in regards to sizing for voltage drop and connect it to the main negative bus of my system where both the 12v and 24v sources also connect.

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