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rupes asked

Replacing alternator with a Skylla charger

Hi all.

Weird question perhaps but wondering if anyone can forsee any issues with this idea

Due to a second alternator being a major PITA to install on my Mitsubishi Rosa bus without removing the engine I would like replace the existing alternator with a Nations or Balmar 5kw 48v unit. Vehicle battery is a 24v. Current vehicle alternator is 24v@80a which may be an upgrade from OEM as it was running hydraulics for handicapped access, huge ducted AC with a few blowers, 4 heaters with blowers under seats, electric door, multiple comms etc all of which has been removed. Right now the 24v vehicle battery only powers ECU, headlights, blinkers etc and not much else. Internal lighting, stereo, actuators, bed lift etc all run off a 12v 100amp lithium charged by a Victron 30a blue smart charger running of my Multiplus 240v system

If I have a 5kw 48v alternator and a 15kw 48v lithium house battery can I just use a Skylla or something to keep the vehicle battery topped off and run headlights, blinkers, ecu while driving etc?

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