
javierag avatar image
javierag asked

VRM API Error 401 - invalid token


I am working on a small project where I try to connect to a Victron Venus GX using VRM API. My code (in Python) is the following:

import requests

import json

login_url = ''

username = ""

password = "123456"

login_string = '{"username":"'+username+'","password":"'+password+'"}'

response =, login_string)

token = json.loads(response.text)["token"]

idSite = "1111111111"

diags_url = ''+idSite+'/diagnostics'

querystring = {"count":"1000"}

headers = {

"Content-Type": "application/json",

"x-authorization": "Bearer <"+token+">"


response = requests.request("GET",diags_url, headers=headers, params=querystring)



I try this script but the response I get is like:

<bound method Response.json of <Response [401]>>

{"success":false,"errors":"Token is invalid","error_code":"invalid_token"}

Any idea and/or can someone support me?

Many thanks in advance


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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @JavierAG

There are quite a few existing posts regarding 401 API errors, some containing good info.

If you have already checked them, please include that so the existing solutions can be ruled out

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javierag avatar image
javierag answered ·


Thanks for the advice, I could find some errors on my code. I add the new code with some insteresting changes:

import requests

import json

loginUrl = ""

username = ""

password = "123456"

loginString = "{\"username\":\""+username+"\",\"password\":\""+password+"\"}"

responseLogin =, loginString)

dataLoginRequest = json.loads(responseLogin.text)

token = dataLoginRequest["token"]

idUser = str(dataLoginRequest["idUser"])

instUrl = ""+idUser+"/installations"

#querystring = {"count":"1"}

headersInst = {

"Content-Type": "application/json",

"x-authorization": "Bearer "+token


responseInst = requests.get(instUrl, headers=headersInst)



responseLogin =, loginString)

dataLoginRequest = json.loads(responseLogin.text)

token = dataLoginRequest["token"]

dataInst = json.loads(responseInst.text)

if dataInst["success"]:

for installation in dataInst["records"]:

idSite = str(installation["idSite"])


diagsUrl = ""+idSite+"/diagnostics"

querystringDiag = {"count":"1000"}

headersDiag = {

"Content-Type": "application/json",

"x-authorization": "Bearer "+token


responseDiag = requests.request("GET",diagsUrl, headers=headersDiag, params=querystringDiag)



Many thanks for the advices again


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quenorf avatar image
quenorf answered ·


Hello everyone

I took the time to read all the posts and comments that deal with this subject but I haven't found an answer that can help me.


"success": false,

"errors": "No valid authentication scheme sent",

"error_code": "invalid_token"


When I try to check the status of my indefinite news token I receive the message that the token has expired. a token created 5 minutes ago. please help me find a solution

victron.jpg (56.7 KiB)
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