
jay-emell avatar image
jay-emell asked

Solved: CCGX: VE.Direct Port 1 not working - "Console on VE Direct 1" not activated

On a used Color Control GX, the VE.Direct port 1 does not make connection to a BlueSolar MPPT charger, while VE.Direct port 2 connects just fine using the same cable and charger.
I have checked the Settings -> Services -> Console on VE Direct 1 and it is not activated. Further I have activated and deactivated that setting and booted in-between. Still no connection on VE.Direct port 1 on the CCGX.

Any suggestions?

MPPT SmartSolarCCGX Color ControlVE.Direct
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1 Answer
jay-emell avatar image
jay-emell answered ·

Problem solved. After failing on all configuration or soft fixes I went down into HW related problem solving. As I have had experience with other marine units failing on isolation circuits closest to connectors, I replaced the dual channel digital isolator circuit through desoldering the original and soldering a replacement circuit in place. It´s an SO-8 package in a tight spot, so really fiddley to do a neat solder job. My job came out ugly but it works :)

Apparently this unit had been exposed to some harsh usage/faulty connectors or voltages that killed the isolator circuit.

If anyone is interested in details on this fix, isolator part number etc, just add a comment here.

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