
mattfr avatar image
mattfr asked

Multiplus2 serial number compatibility

Will a Multiplus2 S/N HQ 2236YTJF7 work in parallel with a Multiplus2 S/N HQ 23147UFMF when both updated to the same firmware version? Thanks.

multiplus in parallel
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi, yes since there not far apart it will work

Parallel can always be a bit tricky

Follow this guide and it should be ok

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mattfr avatar image mattfr commented ·
Thank you. Much appreciated.
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Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·


It's a matter of hit and miss. My 2 Quattros are 4 years apart but surprisingly, they work fine. My Victron agent looked at the chips of the 2 inverters and concluded that they would work. They are running the same firmware version. The imbalance is merely 3%-9% depending on the amount of loads. I was targeting 10% so I'm very happy without having to do anything. Some people here have problems even when their inverters were manufactured in the same week.


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mattfr avatar image mattfr commented ·
Thanks. It does sound like pot luck. I'll just have to try. Doesn't say much for Victron's products if there is so much variability and compatibility issues.
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Fideri avatar image Fideri mattfr commented ·
You are right but Victron recommends that inverters be of identical hardware and as close as possible regarding the time of manufacture. I guess I was just lucky.


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