
semlohnhoj avatar image
semlohnhoj asked

Grid Meter (VM-3P75CT) Sometimes shows 3 phases in single phase mode?

I have a Victron VM-3P75CT in a single phase installation and I'm sure I've seen this showing with both single and 3 phase readings at different times?

Currently it is just showing as if it is a 3 phase device on the VRM overview. Everywhere else it shows up as a single phase device (i.e. VictronConnect and under the GUI)!

Is this a knows issue?



I'll post an image of it showing as a singe phase device on the VRM when I catch it doing this.

Energy Meter
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5 Answers
Jarco van Roest (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Jarco van Roest (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi both, you can delete the energy meter in the device list. That will cause VRM to know L2 and L3 are no longer connected.

As soon as new data is received from the meter it will be back in the device list & will only show L1 data on the installation dashboard.

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semlohnhoj avatar image semlohnhoj commented ·

I can confirm this is resolved. I removed it and let it reappear and now only show a single phase.


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maa avatar image maa semlohnhoj commented ·

cool !

thank you for your feedback and in the display of the Cerbo?


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semlohnhoj avatar image semlohnhoj maa commented ·

Looks good:


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maa avatar image maa semlohnhoj commented ·

I'm too jealous, for my part I still have the 3 phases which are displayed on the other hand in VRM it's good, strange...

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Martin (Victron Energy) avatar image Martin (Victron Energy) ♦♦ maa commented ·
@Maa Is this a VM-3P75CT? If so, have you set the phase configuration to single phase in VictronConnect?
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maa avatar image maa Martin (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hello Martin, thank you for your involvement.

No, it's an ET340 as written above, but I just tried something that worked. After removing the counter on VRM I also clicked on software update and magically I no longer have L2 and L3 on my Cerbo. Extraordinary :)

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maa avatar image maa commented ·

Hello Jarco,

I would like to test your advice but first I would like to know if it can also be applied to an ET340 because in my Cerbo I see 3 phases even though I use it in single phase. Do you believe this is possible?

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Martin (Victron Energy) avatar image
Martin (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @Semlohnhoj, thank you for reporting. We will look into this.

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@Semlohnhoj Have you seen the issue again? I could not find anything in the logs.
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semlohnhoj avatar image
semlohnhoj answered ·

I've not noticed any change since reporting it. It always shows three phases in VRM.

I'm sure I've previously seen it in VRM with only one phase showing which is what i'd expect really considering it's configured as single phase anyway.

I have had a few issues with connectivity on the CAN bus and gone through a couple of firmware updates so maybe it's resolved at three phases now in VRM?

My original thought was that it should be showing single phase though, not three?

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olafs avatar image
olafs answered ·

Same Issue.

My vm-3p75ct running on only one phase, but shows 3-phases in vrm. I switched from 3-phase to 1-phase configuration after a couple of days of running the unit on can-bus.

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Martin (Victron Energy) avatar image
Martin (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi both, I asked to VRM team to look into this.

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