
Steve GIlbard avatar image
Steve GIlbard asked

Cannot access VRM - endless to many requests *URGENT*

Cannot configure an installation - Victronconnect will not allow me to log in.

On the road and cannot get heat on RV. 2 Multiplus2, CerboGX, Lynx.....


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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Are you by any chance running an old version of Android? The latest VC app v6, no longer supports Android 7.

Are you making any API calls to VRM from external systems like node-red etc?

Sorry, pure guesswork as there isn't much to go on and both are definitely working.

In these cases it is always a good idea to carry a mk3 in case of emergency.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Are you also not possible to connect to the cerbo by wifi? So you can enter the cerbos web interface

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Sounds like he wants to push a config or change settings remotely, which would require VRM.
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
if he can get in cerbo locally, he can check vrm/remote access settings and go from there
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Steve GIlbard avatar image
Steve GIlbard answered ·

Temporary link token sent from Victron was not valid (IE does not resolve to a page, just generic location). ( -- Please PM a token or link that works). Found the issue - there was a typo in the email address so the resets were going int space... But now locked out so resolving the typo does not send a PW reset message... (Thanks for trying, please check the next token you send.

WiFi Issue is the Cerbo-GX was set for the wifi at the house and now am on different wifi (Pepwave)

I tried to connect to the network port on the CerboGX but was not successful.
The 2 Multiplus 2 units are working as standalone (independent) units but each with a max input current of 8A as they were on the test bench with limited power. This means if I run the generator they do in fact charge the LiFePo but SLOWLY. They were set up about 4 weeks ago in a split phase set, but then moved them back to standalone to charge all the LiFePo batteries (1840AH)

So.. What I need to do once I am able to access Victron Connect is [A] Update firmware on each MP2, [B] open the units up to 50A input (12KW gen-set) and [C] put them back in split phase... 5 min of work really...

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Hi @Steve GIlbard

VRM is working, however the system that is linked to your account (using the same email as this community site and VRM) is no longer reporting to VRM. Therefor accessing VRM is not going to help you to access the system.

The first step is to get your system back onto the internet and reporting. The way to do this is to physically find your GX device, there will be a sticker on there with the details of how to connect to its LOCAL wifi network OR via bluetooth.

More specific step by step details on that are here -

Once you are connected then you can set the other WIFI interface on your GX device with the credentials for your mobile WIFI router (the peplink).

Then your system should be reporting to VRM, and then you should be able to access it via the VRM tab in VictronConnect (for remote configuration adjustments like the AC input current limit).

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snoobler avatar image snoobler commented ·
Is this even really a VRM issue? This sounds like a completely borked installation/configuration.

If you plan to use VC to program the inverters/alter parallel operation, you need a MK3-USB adapter. Period.

If the units are configured for separate operation, only one can be connected to the Cerbo. You should be able to use the Cerbo touch screen to change the input current limit.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
You can connect to the cerbo over bluetooth to configure wifi with the VC app, like you would do on initial setup.
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