
pbilka avatar image
pbilka asked

Lynx shunt SOC

If I add the Lynx shunt to my system, will it provide a reliable SOC value that can be used by the rest of the system instead of the (completely unreliable) value from my BMZ ESS?

Many thanks...

lynx shunt
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

I don't know what a BMZ ESS is, but if you mean a BMV-712, then it most likely hasn't been connected properly into the system or hasn't been programmed appropriately for your battery bank, since the BMV series are some of the most accurate battery monitors on the market at any price point... and a different battery monitor wouldn't resolve those issues if they exist.

I'd suggest revisiting your existing battery monitor installation and programming and correcting -or having a professional correct, if it's not within your own scope of familiarity- anything that's amiss there before trying anything else.

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pbilka avatar image pbilka commented ·

bmz is my battery manufacturer...

my question was whether the soc value produced by the lynx shunt can be internally used by the system in places where soc must be specified, instead of the value supplied by the battery bms.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ pbilka commented ·
AH that makes sense! Yes, in that case an external battery monitor like the Lynx or the BMV-7xx series will certainly be more accurate than the majority of batterys' self-reporting, and assuming that the rest of the system is a Victron system, the Victron system will indeed be able to make use of the data reported from a Victron battery monitor.

I've seen some batteries able to self-report their SOC fairly well, but I've seen many more that are reporting SOC based on voltage measurement which of course will be wildly inaccurate, so very possible that your batteries are using a non-ideal method like that of calculating and reporting SOC.

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pbilka avatar image pbilka Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

thank you for your answer. my battery bms has lost the ability to report soc accurately to the point where my soc jumps from 65% to 100% within minutes. just bad programming, i guess...

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Related Resources

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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