
beattiemark avatar image
beattiemark asked

VRM dashboard not displaying realtime data

For the last week no realtime data is showing on the main page of the VRM Portal. It seems to be a refresh problem. If I logout of VRM and log back in, the data has been updated, but will not show "realtime" It always says last updated a second ago, or 3 minutes ago, or 4 hours ago, etc etc, it wont display realtime.

However on the remote console, I can see the realtime data. All other functions of VRM are working, so that tells me the Internet connection is OK. The WiFi connection status in VRM/Remote Console all looks good, with a 73% signal strength.

I have reset the WiFi several times and connected via cable to the ethernet Lan, makes no difference. Since all other functions of VRM work I dont see this as an Internet Connection problem. If seems that VRM Dashboard is not updating once signed in to VRM.

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5 Answers
tighernan avatar image
tighernan answered ·

Hi. From time to time my setup does the exact same thing. What resolves it for me is to unplug the power supply to the cerbo for a few seconds, once the cerbo starts up, all is back to normal.

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beattiemark avatar image beattiemark commented ·
Thanks for your suggestion. Has made no difference, still acting the same way. Will not deliver "realtime". I have raised a support request on Victron, see what that does ?
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beattiemark avatar image
beattiemark answered ·

I have raised a support request on Victron, see what that does ?

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beattiemark avatar image beattiemark commented ·

I disconnected the batteries and the MPPT's from the Multiplus-II and when all reconnected the VRM now goes into "Realtime".

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @beattiemark,

Thanks for the report, I've passed it on to the VRM team to investigate

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Hi @beattiemark

Could you please enable remote support on the GX device for these systems?

It’s in the general settings menu.

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beattiemark avatar image beattiemark Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Guy, all enabled, sorry about that. Mark.
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beattiemark avatar image beattiemark Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Guy, problem persists, just wondering if any progress has been made towards a resolution ? Thanks.
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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @beattiemark,

The VRM and GX team are indeed working on this issue that caused your sites realtime data to stop working. As you've discovered, a full shutdown of the system (with enough time for any network addresses to reset on a router) is a temporary work around to get things going again.

The issue may occur again, or it may not. The engineers will continue to work on it and most likely a fix will be included in a future firmware update to the GX device.

If any other users experience the issue, please let me know while it is still current and (in)active, and remote support is enabled, so the engineers can confirm the hypothesis.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Not sure if this helps or not.

For the past few weeks I've been seeing the %%... message (that was fixed some time ago) intermittently on startup, but it clears in a few seconds. Then the realtime indicator comes up after a few more seconds. But the real time data feeds take more time to arrive, sometimes 10-15 seconds. I've been putting it down to the bad internet where my boat is, but...

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Kev,

Those placeholders aren't related to the other issue. Not ideal, but I don't think a big enough problem to escalate just yet.

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patrike avatar image
patrike answered ·

Hi Guy

I think I have the same problem that is VRM stop showing reltime data. In the alarmlog it says "VRM logging stopped" and it happens every 2-3h and it stays stopped for 50 min and then it goes back on again. I have checked my router and it is working well without any interuptions in the communication.


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Hi @PatrikE,

There definitely seems to be some kind of interruption or interference with your sites internet connection. I don't know what, but I would say it's somewhere between your GX device and the internet connection, rather than anything specific that is happening on VRM, that is just where the issue is being reported.

Given that it is occurring almost exactly at the same time, to the minute, I would suspect there is some kind of scheduled event, maybe some kind of power saving setting on the router or something?


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