
amrane avatar image
amrane asked

Multiplus II and VE.bus error 11

Dear all, I recently install a Multiplus II on a 48V dc system with a Venius ESS enable node. I receive many VE.bus error 11 a day and after checking my installation and Victron website i don't seen something wrong except the type of grid network. I am in France with a TT network and Victron website explain that this error could append with a no TN network.

What exactly do the relay test sequence, is there a work around for using Multiplus II on TT residential network?


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8 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi all, when having VE:Bus Error 11 issues, please update to the latest firmware, and at least firmware versions 465 for MultiPlus, or 466 for MultiPlus-II.

Then follow the steps in this documentation to further identify the exact cause of the issue, and how to correct it:

VE.Bus Error 11 - Relay Test Fault - Installation error or possibly relay failure - step by step diagnosis and remedy.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It is most likely that your local earth and neutral are not bonded correctly. If you have a voltage difference between N and E on the IN side of the Multiplus then you will have problems anyway.

I cannot advise how to fix issues with your installation, you'll have to get your electrician to help you with that. Multiplus should work with a TT earth system if the installation is correct and properly maintained (earth electrodes).

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amrane avatar image amrane commented ·

Thx WKirby, there is no voltage between E and N and the earth resistance is excellent with 2 differents deep earth electrode plugged in 2014. I don't understand what's wrong. Is there any solution to know what is exactly failed during relay check?

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ amrane commented ·

It's like Peter said, Error #11 is quite broad. As far as I can tell, there are at least 2 double pole relays for N and L and then single pole for AC OUT for N and E.

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Peter Polz avatar image
Peter Polz answered ·

just minimal offtopic. @mvader (Victron Energy Staff)
Please, please, please split up #11 in a much more detailed Error message. I am really afraid of supporting every 3 phase Mp2 installation with #11 because it mostly results in many houres of error searching to find out whats the reason. It would realy help if error result in a message like => "#11 - L2, Relais selfttest"

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amrane avatar image amrane commented ·

Sure, more details should be appreciated.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ amrane commented ·

Hi Peter; yes I understand what you mean. I'll discuss it internally; thanks!

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Peter Polz avatar image Peter Polz mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

@mvader perfekt... nice to see that others are working while i am on skiholiday in Austrian Alps ;)

Many greets from the ski-slope


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Volker avatar image
Volker answered ·


I also had a few error-11 in an multigrid-II ESS configuration (AC only) in a new electricity installation (TN though). After updating to FW450 (see changelog) this completely disappeared.

HTH & Groeten - tullsta

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amrane avatar image
amrane answered ·

Thx tullsta, after FW upgrade to 453 no new error during 1 hour, I will wait for a night before drinking champagne :)

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dennis avatar image dennis commented ·

I updated to 453 and got sam error. But after complete software reset via VEconfigure and start with configuring MultiPlus-II from beginning new, the error went away.

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jonny-b avatar image
jonny-b answered ·

Me too, same error during the last 2 weeks when I've tried to commission my system. I haven't ever got my Multiplus II's inverter to feed the battery power into the unit's input. The unit's outputs aren't connected. As far as I'm aware, the mains wiring's all good. I'm on TT Earth, and get 1 volt between Neutral & Earth. That shows the polarity's correct (which I knew anyway). Is this 1 volt enough to cause the error?

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jonny-b avatar image
jonny-b answered ·

Last week I got my earths sorted and all's good now. I'm very happy with the Victron kit, apart from the inverter's fan that sounds like a jet plane on take-off!

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zain avatar image
zain answered ·

hello everyone!

I also came across this error which has never happened before. the error came 3 times in 15 minutes, each lasting for 30s each.

My system has a AC IN grid connection (not compliant to any grid code standard). This error occured while grid was down. So, what should i check first? I suspect that there is a possibility of earth leakage on AC OUT, but then the ELCB on my AC OUT side should have tripped.

Its just that its on a remote location that i cannot access right now, so what i can i do from here?


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

When this fault is encountered the inverter will retry 3 times, which is what you are seeing.

All the advice on this thread applies.

If it is an older inverter that has worked fine until recently and you are in a region with frequent grid failures, you can also have a bad relay. But eliminate the other causes first.

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