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Neo Nos asked

Battery stuck on not allowing discharge after full discharge/low voltage alarm

1000021483.jpgMy multiplus got disconnected from shorr without me knowing I vame next day and everything was dead upon connecting it would not come back on so I used the alternator charging to bring the batteries back up to charge (still charging around 40%)

However the Multiplus will not come back on... neither does the Cerbo seem to be functioning as intended as my screen/monitor for it is off but lights are on.

The multiplus lights are not even on. I logged into the app and saw battery kept throwing under voltage alarm errors even after they were charged above the cell voltage so I changed the cut off voltage in settings by 0.01V and that trick made the alarm go away.

However My BMS still says A-B11 Undervoltage error... and it says it is not allowing functions on system+ because battery not allowing it. So I'm guessing the multipluss is somehow pucking this up too? Not sure how as it is dead and wont turn on even jn charger only mode.

The blutooth dongle is on but it doesnt realize it is connected to a MP2...

I don't know what to do other than wait for batteries to charge to 100% and see what happens?

Please help.

Multiplus-IIbattery system voltagelow power
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1 Answer
Neo Nos avatar image
Neo Nos answered ·

Ok I was able to fix it. In the process I had loosen the battery signal cables... if anyone has this issue in future seems like the change of alarm cell voltage "disallow discharge" setting to something different will do the hack for bringing the battery out of alarm state.

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