
northtown2022 avatar image
northtown2022 asked

VRM Dashboard Inverter/Charger Control broken?

Is this feature broken?


This has been going on all day. When I click to toggle the Inverter/Charger Control button on VRM Dashboard it hangs at 'Connecting'


It's enabled:


So is VRM two way communication:


Buttons work in GUI mods Remote Console:


Also works in Remote Console ---> Phoenix Inverter--->Switch:


vrm bugdashboardcontrol
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

I just checked on mine, still fully accessible, so it's not a VRM issue per se. Could certainly be a network/connectivity issue somewhere though, depending on a whole lot of things.

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northtown2022 avatar image northtown2022 commented ·

Thank you for checking.

This was happening remotely today but I'm back at home and still having this same issue from my home PC, and my smartphone app..

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northtown2022 avatar image
northtown2022 answered ·

I guess something got messed up in the software. I did a reboot and that fixed it :)

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