
Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK asked

External charge controller when using ESS assistant on Multiplus II GX 5kva

I have been very successfully be using my Multiplus II GX 5kva in ESS mode for the summer of which I am very happy with. Generally my PV system has produced enough energy to fully charge the batteries each day and then export the surplus to the grid. I have the ESS set up to provide a scheduled charge between 00:30h and 02:30h to 80% SoC but as we move into winter, Ideally I would like a external controller to do a forced charge either past the 80% SoC between 00:30h and 02:30h or a forced charge between 02:30h and 04:30h.

Q1 - Is there an assistant I can use to make this work?

The reason for wanting this additional control is because my solar PV generally still provides enough energy to charge the batteries day to day but now with more days covered in clouds and therefore insufficient solar generation on the odd occasion, I would like to use a smart time clock (Heatmiser Neostat V2 HW controlled by a IFTTT weather applet) to provide a greater charge if predicting bad weather the following day using my off peak electrical tariff as much as possible (Octopus Go).

I've looked at similar posts but its not clear to me if using the 'Charge Current Control' assistant will provide this when the smart time clock is connected to Aux2. I'm hoping someone might be able to advise before I go down the path of this additional control, the associated time and expense. Would I correct in saying the charge current control is exactly that, just an assistant to limit the charger dependant on the input received or does it allow off or charging at a fix rate?


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Jason - UK avatar image Jason - UK commented ·
Just to note, I am happy for other suggestions for how I am running my system if anyone has experience of doing the same in a different arrangement / using different assistants.
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2 Answers
sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

Hi @Jason - UK, your <smart time clock (Heatmiser Neostat V2 HW controlled by a IFTTT weather applet)> sounds an interesting find, could you post a link?

I have had a small play with a dummy installation.

It would appear that it will do what you want, AIUI it will force the current to be a particular value subject I presume to what the BMS will allow, other than that it is not just a limit. There is a subsequent screen which allows you to turn the charger off completely if the current is set to zero. If this is wrong I am sure others will jump in to correct me!

Presumably you will either set a fixed time window and vary the current or vv.

You would need to ensure that the time clock remains ON during the day and during the routine <scheduled charge between 00:30h and 02:30h to 80% SoC>

You might also be able to do this with Node Red, but I remember when I looked into it there was a snag, IIRC it can't read the Aux input pins or something fundamental like that.

You could always test the functionality with a manual switch, a potentiometer or even a jumper wire before going to the expense of the smart timeswitch!

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Jason - UK avatar image Jason - UK commented ·
Hi @sharpener.

I use Heatmiser Neostats for everything. 6 of them for programmable room thermostats, 1 time clock controlling the off peak temperature boost, one PRT controlling the towel radiator electric element, another time clock controlling the power supply to the external devices (pond pump, external lighting, etc) so it seemed logical to use one for some charging of the batteries dependant of the predicted weather for the day ahead.

I was hoping for a on/off control for a forced charge of the batteries. No modulation of that charge as the Heatmiser time clock has only a volt free contact. With that, the bit I do not understand i how the Multiplus will know when I want a forced charge and when I want a ESS surplus energy charge during the day if it is always on. My Multiplus is the GX version so using Red Node isnt an ideal option (I assume).

I'll test a switch as you suggested before to see what the reaction is form the Multiplus witht he current charge control. Thank you.

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sharpener avatar image sharpener Jason - UK commented ·

OK so from the Heatmiser web site you seem to be getting the weather via a neohub and using this to control the volt free contacts in the actual timer in some way? This would enable you to force the charge on or increase/decrease the current from a default value in a go/no go fashion.

Maybe the simplest would be to use this in the opposite sense and suppress a Scheduled Charge for your <forced charge between 02:30h and 04:30h > when the weather is forecast to be sunny by turning the charger off at that time, otherwise leave it at 70A which is the max for the 5k Multi and the ESS will look after the rest.

If there is not enough PV I don't think ESS will allow it to charge at 70A but best to check, also that the BMS will override it (but I think it will based on my own system).

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Jason - UK avatar image Jason - UK sharpener commented ·
@sharpener brilliant idea. I'll try that as well to suppress the charge as you mention.
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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

How did you get on @Jason - UK , would like to know as I want to do something similar...

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Jason - UK avatar image Jason - UK commented ·
@sharpener I had to divert my time to other tasks at the weekend so hoping to complete it tonight.
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Jason - UK avatar image Jason - UK commented ·

@sharpener So one slight issue with my plan, the AUX1 connection wont work because yet again its locked in VE Config for 'disable Feedin signal' so I need to raise a service request with Victron again to get the password again. Anyone reading this and has the password, feel free to share to save me a lot of time waiting please.


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